Monday, May 29, 2006

Welcome home

I knew you were coming. Perhaps I've missed you as much as you have missed,yearned, desired for me. I could smell your all too familar stench- stale, humid and dark. You came for me again just when Spring finally came. Just when all the couples came out with their toddlers, the trendy young nubiles in their white linen dresses and calico halters stroll the bustling parks.

I suppose it is appropriate timing. After all, not much to look forward to these days. I have finally capped the light on the dim,but somewhat bright candle that I had placed on the sill.Signlaing you to come home. And yes, back to the familiar friend I have always known. The one who supports me and never ceases to let me believe for one minute, that things could be delightful. Ever faithful friend- with me when I am down, surrounded by laughter or ethereal chatter of strangers. What a loyal companion! What would others give to have a friend such as you- completely devoted to my unending desolation,squalor,anguish,dolor...But yet I welcome you.

I embrace you with open arms and I feel the need to light up. To share with other friends who mean me ill will.Peace of mind. Far from sight.
I cannot seem to shake you, nor give you up. Perhaps you are more of an addiction, a lover, my valentine.

And here we are again. Embracing each other in fetal position. You caressing every part of me, touching only the deepest most sensitive part of me. You know me so well. Every secret, every fold, everything.
Maybe you were jealous these past few weeks,months, however short or long it has been. But I did not forget you. I spoke about you all the time- when we met,our most passionate moments.
Not for once would you allow me to be with someone else dear friend. Now that it's warm outside, feel free to stay a while. Have some cool iced tea, we can share old memories.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Where is the warning label?

Just so you know, alcohol, FSH and LH do not mix well! Side effects like crying, emotional vomiting,persistent blabbling may ensue. You may also be tempted to undress for the male species. Symptoms worsen in the absence of sunlight. Refrain from thinking too much, touching soft items such as skin, velvet and hair.

If symptoms persist, drink lots of water, blare a flashlight in your eyes, and inject yourself immediately with testosterone- available at some fine store somewhere.

In case of emergency, pray to the gods for a sex change, or curse them rather.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

It's taken me till now

"There were times when I thought you were the sun."

~Now I know you could never be the one, by The Meeting Places

There are some lessons that take quite sometime to learn. For this particular class I have been taking the course for some 20 odd years. Several exams, none of which I seem to be passing.No matter how many times you have gone over the material, gotten help or advice, sometimes there are some concepts that completely elude you and then one day you gain clearer understanding or you just never grasp it.

The problem is, I have understood it all along, but my complicated mind did not allow me to accept the simple reasoning behind these tasks. It is true that the simplest reasoning is usually the one that is correct.I was forewarned but did not listen, I attempted to lie to myself and look for explanations that were not there or not well founded.
In words taken from a teacher, "Just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there."

Maybe it was a challenge, maybe I was bored as usual. There's me, and then there's you. Enough about you. You're disappointing.

Like a boy in a dress.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

LOH...and behold

Hey..guess what..It's May. It is also 2:28 a.m. and I decided that I may be a hermit or a lonely ol' hag. minus the cats.
lonely old hag.

