Sunday, May 21, 2006

It's taken me till now

"There were times when I thought you were the sun."

~Now I know you could never be the one, by The Meeting Places

There are some lessons that take quite sometime to learn. For this particular class I have been taking the course for some 20 odd years. Several exams, none of which I seem to be passing.No matter how many times you have gone over the material, gotten help or advice, sometimes there are some concepts that completely elude you and then one day you gain clearer understanding or you just never grasp it.

The problem is, I have understood it all along, but my complicated mind did not allow me to accept the simple reasoning behind these tasks. It is true that the simplest reasoning is usually the one that is correct.I was forewarned but did not listen, I attempted to lie to myself and look for explanations that were not there or not well founded.
In words taken from a teacher, "Just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there."

Maybe it was a challenge, maybe I was bored as usual. There's me, and then there's you. Enough about you. You're disappointing.

Like a boy in a dress.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

7/21/2006 8:05 PM  

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