Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What to do with myself

My freaking hormones are raging.They are stark-raving mad. They are at high school peak. After a long hiatus, my sex-drive seems to be popping up at the most random of places and for the most random of people. It needs to stop.Because they have a mind of their own.
My teachers are all suddenly hot. The great,big gold-toothed texan, and the pony-tailed obessive compulsive. The poor orator and hunch-backed old-timer. Oh,if I can only get one touch. I have been toying with the idea of dating a professor,and how sleazy and hot that may be. The tutoring,after hours, red wine fantasy can be pushed a very long way.
Still need to be in my bed, but as usual,here I am.
I really wish I knew what was going on. This particular gentleman, I keep going through a love hate, when we clearly have no relationship established is driving me nuts! He is so damn eloquent and well-spoken I will just about give my left tit to have him speak or write to me daily. Hey I don't discriminate about what gets you off. Its akin to some type of sensual foreplay I suppose. *sigh* Definately the hormones. Definately.
Now if I could stop listening to baby-making songs, and try to go to bed at a reasonable hour,maybe I might be ok.


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