Time wasting

Call me craazy but Asian guys are suddenly hot! I know I am late.This is probably not the forum to talk about my stalkeristic behaviours, but I just can't help it. I see something from afar, and would like to quietly obsess about it in the recesses of my mind- is that so bad? I am having a premoniton that I may live to regret this post-not only b/c I am not studying for my finals, but I am psychic like that. I mean, our school is vastly made up of south pacific islanders,asians mainly.So maybe I am being brainwashed, but whatever it is-I like it!
So is it sooo wrong to sign onto AOL every hour or too to see if this jackass is online and wait for him to IM me. No, I can't IM him first, because then my true nature will be exposed. I have a bad habit of fixating on someone for no good reason. I just wake up one day and decide that "Hey, I am gonna like this guy.." Sounds crazy I know, but there is some logic to it. Its not completely random. I mean he should not be a cannibal, watch sex and the city (possibly one of the worst shows ever) and not be a dwarf (sorry bashful).
So I am trying to get all the races under my belt, and I have not done very well in the melting pot dept. Not that its for the novelty of it all....oh ok,,it is. Well luckily there is a whole slew of them at school, but I usually have a saying that schoolmates should never date. Its just silly and awkward I find. Its like people whose parents are both lawyers, or both magicians..just plain foolish.
Speaking of foolish, still have not studied. Weep. Just for the record, I'm in a silly dental program, which contrary to popular belief is actually hard. Or maybe I was just delusional in thinking I could dodge the hard work of med school by becoming a dentist. One of these days I will spend some time about the woes of this and how much I am in the wrong career field, but I believe I must trod on. And you thought that I was just a plain Jane. Nope, good ol'fashioned crazy is what I am. Got a slew of problems. If you got it, I probably do too- depression (working on it though), perfectionist,over-acheiver,clearly there is some ADD in there, social anxiety-just to name a few...It makes for an interesting life,throw in some drogas and I am good to go.
Well guess I better go figure out how to use chop-sticks if I intend to make this work...oh, for the record- still no IM...maybe I should take a hint eh?