Apparently I should refrain from making public outings and appearances. It is quite obvious and clear to me that I have the awesome power of making people feel uncomfortable without me even knowing or trying excessively hard to do so. The key is utter silence. I sit there and stare. Not moved enough to have small talk, not caring enough about my surroudings and oh yes, the people that are around me this drives them insane.I move people to outbursts, such as "Why are you so quiet!" I cause others to tune into their dull but sarcastic side in attempts to prove some silly point, where being outright would have been much more effective. Because the sardonic game I was a contributing member. I will also play and run that game into the ground if that's how you want to do this. I will tell you right now that I will not be moved.No, it's not that I am bored, there's a slim chance I am boring;but I just ran out of things to say. It drives people to ask me the same questions over and over-"Are you OK?" I suppose the lack of change in my behaviour would prompt others to believe I am lying and making things up. Never knew people were so eager to please me and make me at ease until they turn nasty. I love seeing people's nasty side. Reminds me of that MTV slogan "When people stop being polite and being REAL." I know how much you love MTV. Seriously I need a bit more than watching the Sunday line up and making sure I catch episodes of "Entourage" and whatever show has been deemed worthy of watching by some stupid underground culture I have no desire to be apart of. So I finally started up with my reading again- thank god. Maybe it will give me something to talk about in those moments of awkwardness that I have grown so accustomed to.