Hottest Cartoon Heroes/ Villains
Lists..Yummy! Top ten, in ascending order of hotness. Who says cartoon characters aren't delicious. Besides, real men don't have any powers.
1) Tuxedo Mask of Sailor Moon fame. He was mysterious, well-dressed and mannerable. Can't beat that. The type you can take home to mom or to the opera. Always leaves a red rose.

2) Drakken of KimPossible. So you're saying you DON'T like your men blue and with a scar? What a thug. Clever and maniacal but clumsy. He has devised an evil way to my heart.*sigh* Always practices proper lab safety with his black latex gloves and keeps his hair back in a ponytail. Now if I could only get him to wear a face mask.

3)Freakazoid. I told you, something about blue men in tiny red suits drives me nuts. Except for Papa Smurf. Not only is he a boy-genius, he is funny too!I'm a sucker for jokes. HINT HINT boys.I think he might be underage though.

4)Cobra Commander from G.I. Joe. Not mentioning the blue-thing again, but it's his mask. So forbidden and deviant. His mission( as every other villain) to rule the world. What ambition! So he has a creepy voice, but with a little wine...

5)Race Bannon- Johnny Quest. This guy. The older protective type. If I had outside kids, I am sure he would make a good father. Always looking out for Johnny, and the brains and braun of the operation. Ok, so its just his sexy white hair ok! Red is such a good color for him.

6)Phantom aka the Ghost who walks, Defenders of the Earth. Give me the power of ten tigerrrrs...Purr. Do I need to say more. This guy is packing and was also a great dad to some two-bit daughter of his. Imagine getting it on in the Jungle. Such an animal that Phantom. He must be really nimble, all those vines and agility he displays.Do you see that stance.Got to admit, you do feel a little intimidated.

7)Superfriends No, not all the superfriends are hot. But I decided to lump Batman and Superman together because I just couldn't decide between the two and I'm greedy. One has toys, the other can undress me with his eyes. We could evenmake out in the night sky. Hmm, maybe Superman wins. Making out in a cave full of bats does not sound like a good time. But he does live in New York, but then again he is wayyy too close to Robin. Apache Chief not looking too bad himself, and Aquaman...

8)Lion-O. Thunder, thunder, thunder down belooooww..I mean, thundercats are hoes! Oh whatever. Do you see the head of hair on this guy? He must use good shampoo products. A natural born leader with prophetic abilities. He would be able to sense any danger coming my way, and rescure me. All else fails, Panthro was hot too. Needless to say, he works out in the gym regularly. I wish he would do something about those horrible tan lines.

9)He-Man - Master (bator) of the Universe. So apparently I am getting slack for this, because Prince Adam/He-man is supposedly gay. Whatever. SO he has a lame hair cut, and rides around on a green tiger but he is half-man and half-god and I can't say that about everybody. Doing royalty. Show me the money. I think he is packing too. No fancy armors or gadgets. Just big guns (biceps) and an awesome sword that is a clear indicator of the love below.

10)Gambit from X-men. This Cajun sensation is beyond hot. He loves the ladies and the ladies love him. So he has a gambling problem and throws explosive cards at people once in a while, and his eyes are a creepy red- but that accent! That charm! If only I were as lucky or hot as Rogue. He is the sexiest cartoon man alive and he plays a good game. Now if you are still in denial, just think about the fingers he left free in his gloves.

Other mentionables: Jayce and the Wheeled warriors, Space Ghost, Captain Planet (for you sensitive girls).
1) Tuxedo Mask of Sailor Moon fame. He was mysterious, well-dressed and mannerable. Can't beat that. The type you can take home to mom or to the opera. Always leaves a red rose.

2) Drakken of KimPossible. So you're saying you DON'T like your men blue and with a scar? What a thug. Clever and maniacal but clumsy. He has devised an evil way to my heart.*sigh* Always practices proper lab safety with his black latex gloves and keeps his hair back in a ponytail. Now if I could only get him to wear a face mask.

3)Freakazoid. I told you, something about blue men in tiny red suits drives me nuts. Except for Papa Smurf. Not only is he a boy-genius, he is funny too!I'm a sucker for jokes. HINT HINT boys.I think he might be underage though.

4)Cobra Commander from G.I. Joe. Not mentioning the blue-thing again, but it's his mask. So forbidden and deviant. His mission( as every other villain) to rule the world. What ambition! So he has a creepy voice, but with a little wine...

5)Race Bannon- Johnny Quest. This guy. The older protective type. If I had outside kids, I am sure he would make a good father. Always looking out for Johnny, and the brains and braun of the operation. Ok, so its just his sexy white hair ok! Red is such a good color for him.

6)Phantom aka the Ghost who walks, Defenders of the Earth. Give me the power of ten tigerrrrs...Purr. Do I need to say more. This guy is packing and was also a great dad to some two-bit daughter of his. Imagine getting it on in the Jungle. Such an animal that Phantom. He must be really nimble, all those vines and agility he displays.Do you see that stance.Got to admit, you do feel a little intimidated.

7)Superfriends No, not all the superfriends are hot. But I decided to lump Batman and Superman together because I just couldn't decide between the two and I'm greedy. One has toys, the other can undress me with his eyes. We could evenmake out in the night sky. Hmm, maybe Superman wins. Making out in a cave full of bats does not sound like a good time. But he does live in New York, but then again he is wayyy too close to Robin. Apache Chief not looking too bad himself, and Aquaman...

8)Lion-O. Thunder, thunder, thunder down belooooww..I mean, thundercats are hoes! Oh whatever. Do you see the head of hair on this guy? He must use good shampoo products. A natural born leader with prophetic abilities. He would be able to sense any danger coming my way, and rescure me. All else fails, Panthro was hot too. Needless to say, he works out in the gym regularly. I wish he would do something about those horrible tan lines.

9)He-Man - Master (bator) of the Universe. So apparently I am getting slack for this, because Prince Adam/He-man is supposedly gay. Whatever. SO he has a lame hair cut, and rides around on a green tiger but he is half-man and half-god and I can't say that about everybody. Doing royalty. Show me the money. I think he is packing too. No fancy armors or gadgets. Just big guns (biceps) and an awesome sword that is a clear indicator of the love below.

10)Gambit from X-men. This Cajun sensation is beyond hot. He loves the ladies and the ladies love him. So he has a gambling problem and throws explosive cards at people once in a while, and his eyes are a creepy red- but that accent! That charm! If only I were as lucky or hot as Rogue. He is the sexiest cartoon man alive and he plays a good game. Now if you are still in denial, just think about the fingers he left free in his gloves.

Other mentionables: Jayce and the Wheeled warriors, Space Ghost, Captain Planet (for you sensitive girls).
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